Party of the year! Today(Feb 16th) marks a milestone birthday for Outreach To Africa’s Princess Evelyn Komuntale.  Last Saturday evening(Feb 9th) family, friends and longtime OTA supporters gathered to celebrate her life, accomplishments and amazing legacy. This elegant event was held at the Lake Forest Beach and Tennis Club. It Read more…

Mizungus Dancing

In Africa, music and dance are a big part of life, and an integral part of tribe, community, worship, and communication. There is something spiritual about dancing with Ugandans! Always a subject up for debate… Question: Whether or not white people can dance? Answer: Some can, some can’t, but it Read more…

Ringing in 2013!

Today we reflect and celebrate all that was accomplished in 2012, and anticipate all the great things God has in store for us next year! Thanks to all who helped Outreach to Africa to accomplish so much this past year through your on-going support and partnerships. HAPPY NEW YEAR!